
Choosing a template for your Miro board

June 29, 2024
5 min read
Diego Torres

The Power of Templates

One of the most powerful features in Miro is the ability to add ready-made templates that make collaborative planning easier and more efficient teams everywhere. It can serve as a viable alternative for replacing PowerPoints, Keynotes, spreadsheets, or Word docs as a means of visualizing information and conducting working meetings driven by a virtual whiteboard.

Thankfully, it's easy to get started. So easy you'll most likely get a bit creative and modify templates to suit your specific use case. Miro has a vast library of templates for you to add to your board, and they can significantly boost your development time.

In this post, we'll show you how easy it is to get started with Miro using a template.

Browse template categories

From your dashboard, select New board.

You can also select a template from the list that appears. For this example, we'll create a new board and choose a template from the library.

The window appear and displays all templates. Use the left-side pane to browse templates by Use Case and choose a template that works best for you.

Preview and test a template

Hover your cursor over any template to reveal a brief description and two buttons: Use template or Preview. We recommend previewing templates before applying them to avoid having to delete them and start over if they don't end up working for you.

Select Preview.

In this example, we're using the SWOT Analysis template.

A new window opens for the selected template. You can click-and-drag around the canvas to view its format and contents. Zoom in, out, and even make the live preview fullscreen for easier viewing. We highly recommend you read the full descriptions of the template to understand the purpose, benefits, and best practices when using the template.

The live preview window for each template in Miro

Template landing page with a full description

Apply and customize a template

To add the template to your board from the live preview window, choose one of the following options:

  • Select Use blank template to use the template design without the sample content shown in the live preview
  • Select Use pre-filled to include the sample content in your canvas

Here's an example of what the template looks like when applied to the canvas using a blank template:

Here's an example of what the template looks like when applied using pre-filled content:

Once you've applied your template, you can modify elements like text, stickies, shapes, and other objects on your board.

Apply multiple templates

To apply more than one template to your board, click the Templates icon on the left toolbar.

Repeat the process for locating and selecting a template for your board. Once applied, your board will have two templates. You can click and drag the new template to any location on your canvas.

All templated up!

Templates are the building blocks of an effective Miro board. They enable you and your team to get a jumpstart on important tasks like conducting research, gathering feedback, or planning project sprints. Add as many templates to a board as you want to make the most out of your objects!