
Create a Plan in Planner

October 3, 2023
5 min read
Diego Torres

In Microsoft Planner, you can house and organize a project, process, set of information, and a to-do list in a collaborative workspace known as a "Plan". By the end of this Cubetorial, you will be able to:

  • Create a new Plan
  • Create a new Plan within an existing Group

Step 1: Create a new Plan

Select + New Plan at the top-left corner of your sidebar.

Step 2: Determine the name and location of your Plan

Give your plan a name.

Next, you'll need to decide whether the Plan you're creating should be tied to an existing Microsoft Group, or if a new Group should be created. By default, creating a new Plan without adding it to an existing Group will create a new Microsoft 365 Group using the name you set for the Plan.

Example: If I create a Plan named, "Marketing Campaign Tracker" without adding it to an existing Group, a new 365 Group with a dedicated SharePoint site called "Marketing Campaign Tracker" is created.

Step 3: Create a new Plan & 365 Group

To set up a new Plan and a new 365 Group (skip to Step 4 if you want to add your Plan to an existing Group):

  • Type in the Plan name
  • Select a Privacy preference
  • Expand Options to write a Group description
  • Click Create plan

A blank Plan will open and the name you entered will appear for both the Plan and Group it's associated to. Planner will also set an icon for the Plan based on the name you entered.

Example: In the screenshot below, the Plan name entered was "New Hire Onboarding", which also created a 365 Group with the same name.

Step 4: Add a new Plan to an existing 365 Group

To add a new Plan to an existing Group, click Add to an existing Microsoft 365 Group and select the Group you want to add your Plan to. Then, select Create plan.

A blank Plan will open and the name you entered will appear as the Plan name, while the Group name will show the one you selected. Your plan will also inherit the icon set for your chosen 365 Group.

Example: In the screenshot below, the Plan's name is "New Hire Onboarding", while the Group name is "DTECH". The logo inherited by the Plan is the one set for our DTECH Group in SharePoint.

Ready to organize your tasks?

Now that you've created a new Plan, you can add task cards, labels, and other members to your workspace. Not sure how? Check out our other Microsoft Planner Cubetorials below. Thanks for learning!